Today started out badly. But never has a day so quickly turned completely around and gone off the map. I mean toilet overflow with chunks kinda day. Yep. That’s what I dealt with first thing this morning. Disgusting. Sorry to share. But there’s a point.
As usual, I check it over and prepare to send it out for others to see. Then I get to the Honorable Mentions. Just scanning, mind you. And my mind is blown.
My debut novel is listed.
I know Paul from Facebook and B&N Book Clubs. Nice guy. We’ve chatted a few times. He invited me to send my novel, so I did. In August. Never heard a word. I figured he didn’t review it. Maybe he didn’t like it. Maybe it just didn’t catch his interest.
I am stunned, amazed, humbled and honored.
I feel legitimate in a whole new way. And so privileged.
If you haven’t seen it, you should check it out here
And if you’ve read it, please review it on B&N, Amazon, Goodreads, etc. Sales are steady but slow. And I guess I feel like there’s an audience out there who would enjoy it I’d like to see discover it.
Thanks to all for the support and encouragement!
Especially those mentioned on my Book Day Thanks. Thanks to Paul Goat Allen as well!
Bryan Thomas Schmidt is the author of the space opera novelThe Worker Prince, the collection The North Star Serial, and has several short stories forthcoming in anthologies and magazines. His second novel, The Returning, is forthcoming from Diminished Media Group in 2012. He’s also the host of Science Fiction and Fantasy Writer’s Chatevery Wednesday at 9 pm EST on Twitter, where he interviews people like Mike Resnick, AC Crispin, Kevin J. Anderson and Kristine Kathryn Rusch. He can be found online as @BryanThomasS on Twitter or via his website. Excerpts from The Worker Prince can be found on his blog.
Okay, I know. It sounds crazy to some of you already. Preparing for a book blog tour when my book’s not even done? Insane! Arrogant! A distraction I don’t need! But wait. Let me explain please.
Book Blog Tours are a great way to promote your book. I had 32 stops on my book blog tour, stretching from interviews to podcasts, to short story prequels, to dialogues, to excerpts, and more, and I can tell you it’s hard work. It takes a lot of time to prepare so many posts, even if all you’re doing is answering someone’s interview questions. And here’s the thing. Your blog tour posts are supposed to be unique, interesting and keep people coming back daily for the next one. And they should relate to you and your book in some way.
Do I have to tell you it’s easy to run out of ideas?
When you’re writing your book, however, there’s often nothing you’re thinking about more. You’re always analyzing what you’re writing, why, how, etc. It’s the perfect time to capture this process in little snippets you can use later for those book tour blog posts. I am not talking about writing whole blog posts necessarily, although let the muse lead where he/she will, okay? But what if you jot down a paragraph or two of the various craft processes you’re going through as you go through them to give you something to build a blog post around later?
I do 18-20 blog posts a month. Two a week for this blog, at a minimum, and 1-2 for sffwrtcht’s blog. Then I do the other 10 for guest posts on other blogs. I have 4 a month for Grasping For The Wind as a column. I do one a month for SFSignal. That makes 15. So I do 4-5 others for other blogs. Yes, it’s time consuming. Yes, it’s a lot of work. Yes, it’s worth it. The result is that my name and my book’s name are never far from people’s minds. I may not reach the same audience every week, but I’m out there and name recognition of me and my book is growing daily. It’s so important to book sales, not just of the present book but future ones, too.
Doing all of this, as I think about my next blog tours which will be next Spring and Summer, I get overwhelmed. How in the world will I continue all this posting and write 31 more blog posts?
And here you are thinking, I’m fine. I don’t have all those commitments, Bryan. So I don’t need to worry about it.
But the catch is, since most books are written a year or even longer before they actually hit shelves, your blog tour posts will be written 12-18 months after you’re done writing the book. You will have moved on to something else. Your thought processes on writing THAT book will be dominant and remembering what you thought when writing the PRIOR book will be frustrating and difficult at times.
But not if you have little thoughtful notes written during the writing of the book to capture your frame of thought at the time, jolt your memory and help you frame blog posts.
Do you see what I’m getting at? And we’re talking something that takes less than 5 minutes for most of us. It doesn’t have to be polished or even formal. Just stream of thought and you’re done. You fix it later when you make the post.
Does anyone not see how helpful this could be?
As the world of publishing continues to change, writers become more and more responsible for our own publicity and marketing. And PR/marketing is something people do for a living. That means it’ll be almost a full time job for authors as well. If you’re not a full time author, or even if you are, you have a lot going on already. Making time for all this marketing is a push. Some people can’t do it well. Some don’t even try. And they’re missing out on a great opportunity as a result.
My suggestion is to help yourself by setting yourself up with some possible prompts as you go. It will not only make things easier, your blog posts will be richer. You’ll capture the feeling and thoughts behind your book and readers will be fascinated. The result will be a better blog tour and more interest for everyone, including you. Writing a book is a big accomplishment. Going back to it can be very encouraging for you, not only in reliving the experience as an accomplishment but in seeing how far you’ve come.
Readers always want insight on their favorite author’s writing processes and lives as books come out. So do fellow writers. And the more personally meaningful and detailed a blog post is, as far as giving real insight, the better it tends to be received. So preparing for your book blog tour as you write the book itself can make a lot of sense and save a lot of later stress. It shouldn’t get in the way of the writing itself, of course. But it can be a valuable part of the analysis you’re already doing as you write. It isn’t a distraction if you are just documenting what’s already going on in your head.
And it’s not arrogant. You’re not blowing your own horn. You’re explaining why you do what you do. Leave it up to others to decide if you did it all wrong or if it’s of any quality or other value. Those are not things you can worry about. You can only do the best you can.
So there’s a write tip I hope gives you something to think about. You can prepare for marketing your book even as you write it. And that can be a real blessing. For what it’s worth…
Bryan Thomas Schmidt is the author of the space opera novelThe Worker Prince, the collection The North Star Serial, and has several short stories forthcoming in anthologies and magazines. His second novel, The Returning, is forthcoming from Diminished Media Group in 2012. He’s also the host of Science Fiction and Fantasy Writer’s Chatevery Wednesday at 9 pm EST on Twitter, where he interviews people like Mike Resnick, AC Crispin, Kevin J. Anderson and Kristine Kathryn Rusch. He can be found online as @BryanThomasS on Twitter or via his website. Excerpts from The Worker Prince can be found on his blog.
One of the traditional tropes of much science fiction and fantasy has long been the damsel in distress. Naturally, modern women often find such characters hard to relate to. They certainly find them hard to admire. So in revisiting the Golden Age style for my debut science fiction novel, The Worker Prince, one trope I was determined to avoid was the damsel in distress. In the end, I wound up with four strong female characters in major supporting roles. Here’s a break down:
Tela—pilot, slave rebellion leader, young but very smart and very independent.
Miri—Boralian princess, spoiled but yet independent. Refuses to accept the history and philosophy officially espoused by her ruling family, instead educating herself and her son, Davi, with exposure to diverse sources. Unafraid to question. Unafraid to confront her brother, who rules the Boralian Alliance, when necessary.
Lura—slave woman long separated from her husband who disappeared along with their only son, Davi, twenty years before. Nonetheless, she takes care of her sister’s family and stands firm in her faith and conviction and hope for the future.
Kray—sole female member of the ruling Boralian Council, life-long friend of Miri, independent, strong-willed, not intimidated by the powerful men around her.
One advantage in writing strong women characters is that I grew up in a family of strong women. From my mother to my grandmothers to my twin sister, the women in my family were taking no guff, and believe me when I say I tested those boundaries. But you quickly learn to respect women who are not pushovers. It’s amazing to be both loved well and scolded well by the same people. Yet you learn that their passions for both run deep, and it makes you a better man.
To me, the importance of strong heroines is twofold. First, for inspiring young women to grow up to be proud and comfortable and secure in their identities. And second, to raise young men who will respect and appreciate those women for all they have to offer.
Literature is influential. It teaches even as it entertains. If all we provide for young readers are examples of weak heroines, they will, in some way, grow up expecting that’s all they should find in the real world. All human beings have their weaknesses, of course. No two humans are exactly alike, we are all individuals. So writing characters as individuals is vital. And offering examples of the infinite possibilities available to our young people, I believe, is an author’s responsibility. A part of this is modeling behaviors which such strong individuals might exhibit. Being strong women does not automatically mean bitches. That is one old stereotype we can all do without. At the same time, strong women can cry and express a variety of emotions. Showing emotion is not a weakness. It’s just something women in society have learned to do better than men. In many ways, they are fortunate in that opportunity.
For me, the trick to writing strong women is to write them like men. But remember key things. Women are all about communication, especially emotional communication. Whereas men tend to prefer action to show their emotions and don’t tend toward long emotional discussions, those things are the opposite with most women. Of course, women also have different priorities and often different concerns. From child birth to homemaking, etc., women do have different societal expectations to wrestle with than men. Whether your characters go the traditional route or buck the trend, the questions must be asked and answered and can be used in building their characters.
One important clarification point: when I say I write them like men, what I am saying is that if I treat women characters like men in initial approach it’s easier to make them stronger and write them with the same considerations I give male characters. Because I, like many male writers, never claim to understand women, there is a tendency to write weaker women and feel uncomfortable with approach but if I approach them the same as male characters, it becomes easier. Then I apply the key things mentioned to focus on aspects which address femininity and differences like the importance of emotional express and communication and it works well for me. Female readers, at least, respond to it.
There’s also certainly nothing wrong with male heroes rescuing or helping their women. Some women in real life even fantasize a bit about this. But you can have a woman in jeopardy without her being weak and defenseless. Especially in larger than life space opera settings, such as mine, the odds against characters are often larger than life themselves and require teamwork to overcome. A male hero leading the way is not all bad if that character has knowledge the female character would rely on to help get them out of the trouble they’re in. The woman can use her skills as well to contribute and work with the man to extract themselves to safety.
I think the key to keeping heroines strong while still building dramatic situations with real jeopardy and challenges for the characters is to emphasize the individual strengths of the characters and think about how those can be used for each character to react differently to the various circumstances you put them through. It’s also not wrong to have the woman rescue the man sometimes. In my case, having a woman partner who can do that is a big turn on. I like to be taken care of, too. Don’t you?
It doesn’t make me feel week to rely on someone else’s strengths. It make me feel loved and safe, and that’s a good feeling. So employing these things in your story just makes it more relatable for readers. It also makes it more fun and connected to their contemporary reality, and that, when writing in the speculative realms, can only make your stories more accessible and successful.
There are many ways to approach this, of course, but here’s one technique you may find helpful:
Make three lists:
1) Traits typically associated as typically associated with men
2) Traits typically considered associated with women
3) Traits your story will require characters to have
Be sure and write these lists in context of the world you are creating. In other words, if it’s not set in the contemporary world, think through how things might be different in the period/place in which you are writing from the contemporary world in which you live and employ those ponderings in making lists of traits which would exist in that world.
Then pull items from the first two lists to create characters which meet the needs of the third. Consider specifically how these traits can be used to surprise readers, not in a “that’s unbelievable” way but in a “I didn’t expect that way.” Remember, they still have to believe the character could exist. Part of that depends on setting, situation, etc. of course, but don’t overshoot the mark either. You can use traits appropriate to a made up world which might seem different from the contemporary one. You just have to set them up properly through world building. The key here is to be aware of what you are doing and work deliberately to sell it in the context of the story.
So don’t forget about the need for strong heroines. What are some ways you can employ them to make your stories rise above the rest?
Bryan Thomas Schmidt is the author of the space opera novelThe Worker Prince, the collection The North Star Serial, and has several short stories forthcoming in anthologies and magazines. The sequel to The Worker Prince is forthcoming in 2012, The Returning. He’s also the host of Science Fiction and Fantasy Writer’s Chat every Wednesday at 9 pm EST on Twitter, where he interviews people like Mike Resnick, AC Crispin, Kevin J. Anderson and Kristine Kathryn Rusch. He can be found online as @BryanThomasS on Twitter or via his website. Excerpts from The Worker Prince can be found on his blog.
The Worker Prince is the story of a prince who discovers he was born a slave. When he raises objections about the abusive treatment of slaves, he finds himself in conflict with both friends and families. After a tragic accident, involving the death of a fellow soldier, Davi Rhii winds up on the run. He then joins the worker’s fight for freedom and finds a new identity and new love. Capturing the feel of the original Star Wars, packed with action, intrigue and interweaving storylines, The Worker Prince is a space opera with a Golden Aged Feel.
KC. area people, I’m doing a book signing at Prospero’s Blue Springs Saturday Dec. 17 12-3 (week from tomorrow) if anyone’s interested. I’ll also be doing a reading or two if enough show up who are interested in hearing it. This is the store on MO-7 Highway off 70 about 2 miles south on the East side. (see maps)
I will happily sign any of the books I’ve been involved in or other items related to me, including my CDs. I don’t sign other people’s books. It’s not appropriate to my way of thinking. Books will be on sale on site and I’ll be there ready to chat and even help you find books if I’m free. Hope to meet many of you!
Bryan Thomas Schmidt is the author of the space opera novelThe Worker Prince, the collection The North Star Serial, and has several short stories forthcoming in anthologies and magazines. His second novel, The Returning, is forthcoming from Diminished Media Group in 2012. He’s also the host of Science Fiction and Fantasy Writer’s Chatevery Wednesday at 9 pm EST on Twitter, where he interviews people like Mike Resnick, AC Crispin, Kevin J. Anderson and Kristine Kathryn Rusch. He can be found online as @BryanThomasS on Twitter or via his website. Excerpts from The Worker Prince can be found on his blog.
This interview originally ran at Nicole Peeler’s blog as part of my first blog tour. Thanks to Nicole for the invite to visit her blog on my tour. I wanted to rerun it again here because it was a fun post to write and because I wanted to share it with you. This is a fictional interview with the antagonist of my debut novel. I wanted to sit down with one of my characters, the deposed High Lord Counselor of the Boralian Alliance, Lord Xalivar, for a chat.
Xalivar: Deposed? I was not desposed! I was violated!
BTS: Sorry. So Mr., Xalivar should I call you?
X: I prefer, my Lord.
BTS: Uh, ok, my Lord…that’s weird for me.
X: Yes, that’s what my enemies said and now they’ve written that scandalous tome of lies about me.
BTS: Well, I wrote it, actually, just as they told it to me.
X: So you’re a co-conspirator! Why should I trust you?
BTS: Well, I really did want to get it right, so if there’s something you’d like to set the record straight about, I’m listening.
X: (clears throat) It didn’t happen like that.
BTS: It didn’t happen like what?
X: I thought you said you were listening.
BTS: I am.
X: No, you’re not. You’re interrupting. It’s not the same thing. I am the High Lord Councilor of the Borali Alliance. Interrupting me is tantamount to treason!
BTS: Actually, you were deposed…
X: Shhhhhhh! LISTEN!
BTS: OK, sorry.
X: My family served the Alliance for generations. With honor! We have always done what was best for the Alliance and her people.
BTS: Some would argue with that.
X: Because they’re fools! Fools who don’t know what’s best for them. That’s why they need leadership. Wise leadership, like I have always provided.
BTS: I see.
X: Stop interrupting or my LSP men will arrest you.
BTS: Oh, well, I don’t want that.
X: (laughs) No, you don’t. Anyway, as I was saying, the accusations made against me were made of ignorance, from a total lack of perspective.
BTS: Allegations of abuse of slaves? Enslaving fellow humans? Trying to usurp the Council?
X: Lies! Why are you spreading them? I already told you these were lies.
BTS: But the existence of slavery is documented—
X: Yes, but I did not enslave them. My grandfather did. I merely preserved the system. It was working just fine for both of our peoples.
BTS: The slaves might beg to differ.
X: Slaves always do, but they are not intellectually capable of making such statements with any accuracy.
BTS: They’re human beings.
X: That’s your opinion. Not a fact.
BTS: But they came from Earth to colonize the stars just as your ancestors did.
X: Earth has many species.
BTS: But only one species of humanoids—humans themselves.
X: Evolved from apes. Some of us evolved longer and more advanced than others.
BTS: So there are levels of evolution?
X: There are levels to everything. It’s the natural order of things.
BTS: The Vertullians don’t believe in Evolutionary theory. They believe in creation by their God.
X: See? They haven’t intellectually evolved enough to understand Evolution. And here you and everyone else go writing their story as if it’s history, as if it’s truth. It’s a total sham! Slander! I should sue you all!
BTS: They just wanted the same rights as your own people. Is that so bad?
X: You have to earn rights. They are not inherent.
BTS: Well, the workers believe differently.
X: Because they’re inferior.
BTS: I see. Anything else?
X: I did not betray the Council. The Council listened to lies told them by my sister.
BTS: I heard you two were very close.
X: (laughs) I thought so once. I was wrong. It’s clear our family had some weak genes which she was victim of.
BTS: So she’s not evolved?
X: She’s lesser evolved than I am, yes.
BTS: Wow. Ok. And Davi Rhii? He was raised as your nephew and heir, yet you betrayed him.
X: I did not. He betrayed himself. He set out to destroy our superior Alliance and was revealed in his ignorance.
BTS: You didn’t send men to kill him?
X: I did not. And I never abused the slaves. They were treated as slaves deserve—like property, herded and directed, incapable of making proper decisions on their own and born to serve their masters. It’s natural, not abuse.
BTS: I see.
X: It’s a matter of perspective. Creatures of their level of low intellectual ability are prone to exaggerating because they don’t fully grasp reality.
BTS: But the Council and many of your citizens agreed with them?
X: Low intellects all.
BTS: So anyone who disagrees with you is less intellectually developed?
X: Isn’t that obvious? They replaced me with one of their own, tried to arrest me. They criminalized me by slandering my reputation. It’s all a manipulation and distortion by inferior minds.
BTS: Some might regard your attitude as arrogance.
X: Only intellectually underdeveloped persons would think so.
BTS: I think we’re done here.
X: I have not even begun to give you the correct story.
BTS: You believe I’m too intellectually inferior to understand it.
X: Ah ha! You’re on their side, despite your earlier denials.
BTS: I tried to be a neutral third party but they seem more credible.
X: Credible? Ha! Barely more than apes!
BTS: I have a headache.
X: I’ve worn out your inferior brain. Told you!
BTS: Thank you very much for your time.
X: It’s really sad you can’t handle the truth.
Bryan Thomas Schmidt is the author of the space opera novelThe Worker Prince, the collection The North Star Serial, and has several short stories forthcoming in anthologies and magazines. His second novel, The Returning, is forthcoming from Diminished Media Group in 2012. He’s also the host of Science Fiction and Fantasy Writer’s Chatevery Wednesday at 9 pm EST on Twitter, where he interviews people like Mike Resnick, AC Crispin, Kevin J. Anderson and Kristine Kathryn Rusch. He can be found online as @BryanThomasS on Twitter or via his website. Excerpts from The Worker Prince can be found on his blog.
Xalivar Rhii, once the High Lord Counselor of the Boralian Alliance, the continuation of an honorable line of fine leadership, now spends his days fighting to redress the injustice done to him by others. An innocent victim, he and his minions hang at their favorite secret hideaway preparing to enact revenge with great vengeance and restore balance to the Universe.
Christmas decorations went up and music started playing earlier than ever this year. But perhaps that bores you. Instead, how about Christmas tales told in your favorite genre? In a way, most holiday themed stories have elements of fantasy to theme, but some especially fit into the genres of Science Fiction and Fantasy. I’ ve put together a list with links of 10 Christmas themed Science Fiction and Fantasy stories by respected writers for the holiday season.
1. Spider by Duncan Shields – When she hears strange noises downstairs on Christmas morning, a young girl investigates.
9. ‘Tis the Season by China Miéville – London’s holiday season is highly privatized, and a man takes his teenage daughter to the one official Christmas party.
18. O Tannenbaum by Jim Van Pelt, from his new collection Flying In The Heart Of Escadrillefrom Fairwood – about a 21-year-old who celebrates his birthday in a shelter.
19. Angel Flight by Sarah A. Hoyt – a holiday tale of interplanetary intrigue and a mission of mercy in a Solar System where tyrannical “Good Men” rule Earth and a libertarian society seeks to survive hidden from the home planet’s baleful gaze.
20. Detroit Christmas by Larry Correia is a short tied to his Grimnoir Detective series.
38. And of course, no list would be complete without A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens – a wealthy man encounters three ghosts who teach him the meaning of Christmas.
I hope these tales help bring a little joy and/or enlightenment to your holiday season. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all!
Bryan Thomas Schmidt is the editor of Blue Shift Magazine and an author and editor of adult and children’s speculative fiction. His debut novel, The Worker Prince (2011) received Honorable Mention on Barnes & Noble Book Club’s Year’s Best Science Fiction Releases for 2011. A sequel The Returning followed in 2012 and The Exoduswill appear in 2013, completing the space opera Saga Of Davi Rhii. His first children’s books, 102 More Hilarious Dinosaur Jokes For Kids (ebook only) and Abraham Lincoln: Dinosaur Hunter- Land Of Legends(forthcoming) appeared from Delabarre Publishing in 2012. His short stories have appeared in magazines, anthologies and online. He edited the anthology Space Battles: Full Throttle Space Tales #6 (2012) and is working on Beyond The Sun for Fairwood Press (July 2013), headlined by Robert Silverberg, Kristine Kathryn Rusch, Mike Resnick and Nancy Kress, and Raygun Chronicles: Space Opera For a New Age for Every Day Publishing (November 2013). He hosts #sffwrtcht (Science Fiction & Fantasy Writer’s Chat) Wednesdays at 9 pm ET on Twitter and is an affiliate member of the SFWA.
Research, hate it or love it, is something every speculative fiction writer must deal with at one time or another. Most deal with it often. Research is an easy thing to neglect for many reasons. Above all, it’s usually less fun than writing and creating and it’s time consuming. Still, research is necessary. Here are ten mistakes writers make with research. Consider the costs of making them yourself.
1) Skipping the research. I don’t need no stinking research. Mistake number one. You may be able to fudge some things, especially in science fiction stories set in worlds far distant from our own, for example, but in your historical fantasy, your contemporary urban fantasy or your medieval epic fantasy, you’d better know the facts. If you don’t, readers will and they’ll be unhappy you didn’t care enough to make sure you did. In any world building or story crafting where facts and details readers could know or research are required, research it yourself. Know what you’re talking about. That’s usually impossible without research.
2) Relying on novels by other genre writers. How do you know Terry Goodkind or Patrick Rothfuss got it right? Where did they get their facts? People make up inaccurate facts all the time and write them into their novels. (I am not saying Goodkind and Rothfuss did. I have no such examples. Just using them as examples.) There’s nothing worse for fantasy fans than reading another stereotypical novel set in a stereotypical fantasy world that gets it wrong. Don’t trust anyone but yourself to do the research and do it well, unless you can afford to pay a research assistant, in which case, be sure and hire a trustworthy one.
3) Using only one source. How do you verify facts? Check them against multiple sources. Don’t assume the source you are using has it all right. Check their facts against other sources. The internet is a great resource as are libraries. You can find multiple resources on almost any topic you’d want to research. So make use of that and be sure you’ve got it right.
4) Researching only when and what they have to. To a degree, you only need research for a science in your science fiction, so to speak. But that doesn’t mean you should stop there. How do you know your world makes sense geographically? How do you know the dietary patterns and plants you place in various locations are correct for the climate or environment? Who cares? Informed readers, that’s who, and all it takes is one to blow the whistle and cause other readers to doubt you. Once they doubt you, they have trouble trusting the stories you tell and if they can’t suspend disbelief, your science fiction and fantasy can’t succeed very well. So research details whenever you can. Even if you’re not sure they’re important. This doesn’t mean you need to research every word, of course, but play detective and ask yourself what you can research to make your story better and more skeptic-proof and true to life and then get busy.
5) Using questionable sources. Just as one source may or may not be reliable, the validity of any source must be verified. A good sign is when you use sources commonly used by many other people. You can also check data about the author and publisher. And you can find reviews and evaluations as well. There are many ways to check the sources, even comparing them to other respected sources to see how they compare. If you find one source that says “it happened like this,” and no other source agrees, perhaps that little factoid might not be the best one to put in your story.
6) Thinking every iota of research must be in the novel. Info dump and listen for the thump as readers drop your book on the floor. They may never pick it back up again, either, so don’t make this mistake. In world building, you have to know everything but your readers don’t. Neither do your characters. Include what’s necessary to tell the story and make the world come alive and leave the rest for a sequel or your files. The point of researching wasn’t to add fluff to your novel but knowledge to your head. The more you know, the smarter you write. And smart writers don’t info dump.
7) Making stuff up without checking. Making something up is part of fiction writing, yes, I get that. But if you make something up which actually exists and the facts are wrong, you’ll look foolish. And nothing turns off a reader more. Make sure that things you invent don’t exist before you put them in your story and make up facts or science to explain them.
8 ) Including research that’s hard to understand. Just because you understand it, doesn’t mean your reader will. If you think the story needs it, make sure the research is explained well when you write it in. Quoting scientific jargon from your sources is one way to blow it. Put it in simple, every day language so readers of all backgrounds will get it. Include only what’s necessary and forget the rest. Tom Clancy used to spend page after page describing weapons in intimate detail. If his books hadn’t been so compelling, readers would have left. Instead, they just jumped ahead. His books sold, so he kept doing it, but unless you’re a bestseller, don’t count on getting away with it. Explain it simply, fast and well, then move on. It’s the same as anything else in your prose, communicating with the reader is the goal. If you don’t do it well, your work won’t succeed. So first, make sure you understand it well before you write it, then write it as if you’re explaining it to a child.
9) Underestimating readers’ expectations. A lot depends on the genre and subgenre, of course. Space opera fans and hard SF fans have different expectations. But don’t make the mistake of assuming since you don’t know, readers won’t either. I struggle with this myself. Research is one of my least favorite past times, but when someone comes along who knows better, the illusion is blown and it can turn off fans and readers in droves once word spreads. Take the time to be informed so you can inform your readers. Assumption is the mother of all screw ups, they say. Don’t assume your readers aren’t smarter or more informed than you are. Most often they are.
10) Rushing through research. As the other 9 points prove, research takes time. Just like writing prose does. While you probably shouldn’t include time spent researching toward your writing word count goals, you should set aside quality time for research. How much you need depends on what you’re researching, how much you already know about it, the subgenre, genre, and many other factors. But research, when done, should be done right, like anything else. It’s an element of craft and quality writing as with anything else done to complete your novel. Treat it accordingly and don’t rush it. Research is just as much a part of the writing job as creating prose and thinking up ideas are.
Well, there’s ten common mistakes speculative fiction writers make in regards to research. I’m guilty. What about you? And do you have other suggestions? I’d love to hear them in the comments below.
For what it’s worth…
Bryan Thomas Schmidt is the author of the space opera novelThe Worker Prince, the collection The North Star Serial, and has several short stories forthcoming in anthologies and magazines. His second novel, The Returning, is forthcoming from Diminished Media Group in 2012. He’s also the host of Science Fiction and Fantasy Writer’s Chatevery Wednesday at 9 pm EST on Twitter, where he interviews people like Mike Resnick, AC Crispin, Kevin J. Anderson and Kristine Kathryn Rusch. He can be found online as @BryanThomasS on Twitter or via his website. Excerpts from The Worker Prince can be found on his blog.
KINDLEGRAPH is new. You may not have heard of it, but it’s a MUST DO for published authors. Here’s why:
1) It’s free
2) You can do this, in less than 15 seconds from your laptop at home at any reader’s request:
Yep, they buy your ebook.
Then they request an autograph.
You type a message which comes out in handwriting as shown.
You sign with the mouse. (I’m sure my signature and yours will improve with practice.)
You send it.
Costs you nothing.
Gives them the chance to have what before only hard copy owners could.
It’s a win-win for everyone and if you’re a published author, it’s a no brainer, you need to sign up. Go to and click Author’s Sign-up here!
Any questions? Seriously? Why wouldn’t you do this?
Bryan Thomas Schmidt is the author of the space opera novelThe Worker Prince, the collection The North Star Serial, and has several short stories forthcoming in anthologies and magazines. His second novel, The Returning, is forthcoming from Diminished Media Group in 2012. He’s also the host of Science Fiction and Fantasy Writer’s Chatevery Wednesday at 9 pm EST on Twitter, where he interviews people like Mike Resnick, AC Crispin, Kevin J. Anderson and Kristine Kathryn Rusch. He can be found online as @BryanThomasS on Twitter or via his website. Excerpts from The Worker Prince can be found on his blog.
Well, I had to wait until I arrived but here’s my schedule for this weekend at ChamBana Con in Urbana. Have already run into old friends here which is a surprise but a cool one. Looking forward to making new ones. Guest of Honor: Geoffrey A. Landis and his wife Mary Turzillo. Also here Glen Cook, Don Mead, Tom Smith, Juanita Coulson, Sam’s Dot Publishing and artist Ray Van Tilburg.
Friday, November 25, 2011
5-7:30 pm – Dealer’s Room hanging with Glen Cook and Sam’s Dot Publishing who are selling my book.
8:00 p.m. – Salon E, Reading from The Worker Prince 9 p.m. – Hanging in Kilarney Room/Con Suite
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Free day. Signing in Dealer Room.
10:30 a.m. – Stroll With The Pros
Sunday, November 27, 2011
9-11:45 a.m. – Signing in Dealer Room
12:00 p.m. – Salon E, Panel: So You Want To Be An Author with Geoffrey A. Landis, Glen Cook, Bryan Thomas Schmidt, Mary Turzillo, and Don Mead
1-2 p.m. – Signing until Dealer Room closes.
2 p.m. – Hit the road
Hope some of you in the area will stop by!
Bryan Thomas Schmidt is the author of the space opera novelThe Worker Prince, the collection The North Star Serial, and has several short stories forthcoming in anthologies and magazines. His second novel, The Returning, is forthcoming from Diminished Media Group in 2012. He’s also the host of Science Fiction and Fantasy Writer’s Chatevery Wednesday at 9 pm EST on Twitter, where he interviews people like Mike Resnick, AC Crispin, Kevin J. Anderson and Kristine Kathryn Rusch. He can be found online as @BryanThomasS on Twitter or via his website. Excerpts from The Worker Prince can be found on his blog.
I’m struggling to be thankful this year. I really have to admit it. Okay, let me get through the hard stuff first because it makes the happy ending all the more powerful, and yes, please read it all. I promise there’s a happy ending. (If you know my writing, you know I prefer happy endings).
If any of you have followed my posts and the drama of my life since October 2009 , you’re well aware that I have had a lot of drama, trauma, sadness and difficulty. In October 2009 my first was first diagnosed and hospitalized against her will with bipolar disorder. She ended up in the hospital twice that time and then four more times in 2011 when she relapsed in March, pretty much meaning hospitalization from March through late May, at which time she was still not fully recovered but insisted on a divorce, got one, and went back to Brasil.
Then there’s the job front. My sucky company had long been struggling with what to do with me. I was too good at my job, actually. Sounds cocky but in truth, their evaluation of every task I was hired for was excellent work until the day I was fired. But instead of talking about it with me a building on my strengths, they kept shoving me off on various departments to see what would stick, creating frustration for me and for some coworkers. Then in May 2010, they laid me off. And they couldn’t give me a good reason for it either. In fact, to assuage their guilt, they gave me three month’s severence but also forced me to sign an agreement promising not to sue them for anything. When I later discovered that the most likely cause for this firing was health care costs associated with my wife, I deeply regretted signing that agreement. But hey, at the time, the money seemed more important.
Then there’s the ministry job which I did well and succeeded at despite a pastor’s attempts to derail me with belittling criticism. Some people just cannot work well with others, even in ministry. It was a great matter of pride for me that my relationship with my team was so solid and our times together so fun for the 18 months I was there, despite everything happening with the pastor. But in October 2010, I could no longer go on and, since he’d found someone to step in, I left.
Then there’s unemployment which got cancelled several times. Once due to that pastor’s misstatements saying I quit, which did not happen. I was replaced before I could. And several more because my sucky company filed an incorrect tax form saying I worked in Missouri when I didn’t. So Texas kept billing me for overpayment and saying Missouri should pay me. We spent four months at the end of 2010 with no income. What a joyous Christmas that was.
There’s also a few so-called friends who abandoned me during my difficulties. Was I angry and bitter sometimes? Read the previous paragraphs again and ask why that’s surprising? But they didn’t care enough to stand beside me and walk through it, proving both their lack of character and the lack of genuineness in our so-called friendship.
Okay, so far you’re wondering where the thankful part comes in, right? How can anyone be thankful after all this?
Well, I am thankful because my lifelong dream of being a published novelist finally happened October 4, 2011 with the release of my debut science fiction novel The Worker Prince. So far reviews have been positive overall and the sales steady. We’re not a bestseller, but it’s a small press release. And I hope it will continue to grow. (Makes great Christmas gifts, hint, hint)
I’m also thankful that there will be a second book. I turned in the sequel, The Returning, in early November to my publisher. And editing will commence soon for a Summer 2012 release.
I’m thankful for my first magazine sale to Tales Of The Talisman of La Migra, one of my first and favorite SF short stories. Coming Summer 2012.
I’m thankful for my first anthology sales to Of Fur and Fire which is out as of this past summer and Wicked Weeds which is pending release.
I’m thankful for my first official anthology editing gig from Flying Pen Press, Space Battles, and the willingness of writers like Mike Resnick to contribute to it. Coming April 2012.
I’m thankful for a chance to move and start over in Kansas which has turned out to be more of a blessing than I ever could have imagined.
I’m thankful for the growth in this blog which has gone from a few hundred two hits over summer 2011 to over 2k a month regularly.
I’m thankful for tons of industry support and friendship to not only keep SFFWRTCHT going but help me get national publicity for my novel’s release when I had little or no budget.
I’m thankful for being on my first Con panels this year. For Rainforest Writer’s Village wonderful scholarship and the chance to write beside the likes of Mary Robinette Kowal, Kat Richardson, Jennifer Brozek and so many more. And also a scholarship to the James Gunn Online Writing Workshop which has challenged me as a writing experience but nonetheless was good for me and a privilege to be a part of.
I’m thankful for so many Twitter friendships turning into real, solid friendships. So many that I can’t name you all but I think you know who you are.
I’m thankful for those who did stick it out and support and encourage me despite my bitterness and anger. Those who understood how hard it was to just get up everyday and keep breathing and trying so many days and stood by me to lend me the strength I needed to press on. And some even showed up to help me move on a very hot desert day at the end of August. THANK YOU!
I’m thankful for knowing 2012 is going to be better. Not only are more books in the works but I am a pro guest at some very exciting Cons, including ConQuest 43, Convergence, and more. And for ChamBana Con which I depart for in just a few hours for the weekend.
I’m thankful I can look forward to time at Rainforest Writer’s Village again this February. And other adventures which will develop but I’m not even aware of yet.
I’m thankful for the serialization of my debut novel on Ray Gun Revival.
I’m thankful for a publisher whose passion for my novel and me is a daily encouragement.
I’m thankful for two lovely, sweet doggies whose joy at being with me and seeing me delights and encourages me every hour of every day.
Okay, that’s the best I can do for a happy ending. Happy Thanksgiving to all.
Now if only I had a job…
Bryan Thomas Schmidt is the author of the space opera novelThe Worker Prince, the collection The North Star Serial, and has several short stories forthcoming in anthologies and magazines. He’s also the host of Science Fiction and Fantasy Writer’s Chatevery Wednesday at 9 pm EST on Twitter, where he interviews people like Mike Resnick, AC Crispin, Kevin J. Anderson and Kristine Kathryn Rusch. He can be found online as @BryanThomasS on Twitter or via his website. Excerpts from The Worker Prince can be found on his blog. His second novel, The Returning, sequel to The Worker Prince, is forthcoming in Summer 2012.