We need your help. The launch for The Returning has been rough. Not quite as rough as the ride I took writing it but we lost some momentum. This book has gotten great reviews so far and we believe it’s better than the first. The first got B&N Year’s Best mention, so that’s saying something. But in order to prove it, we need people to read it. So we need your help!
We need some street team ambassadors. People who will read and review the book at sites like Amazon, B&N, Goodreads, LibraryThing, etc. but also walk around spreading word of mouth about it. What do you get? A free, signed trade paperback of the book. And the only cost to you is time–as little or as much as you put into it. We’re hoping you’ll put quite a bit over time though. Because we’re hoping this is a book you’ll want to tell people about.
So how can you become an Ambassador? Email me at bryan at this website, without the www. Or use our Contact form. Tell me why you want to sign up. And I’ll pick the eight best answers. Be sure and include an address so I can send the books and a one page instruction sheet. (Just a reminder of what we’re asking for here and a few tips of how to talk about the book.)
Plus, if you already own The Worker Prince, we have another opportunity for you. We’re working on new book trailers for both books and a combined one. And I need pictures of average people reading the books. So take a picture of yourself with the book, any interesting location you want, and send it in. But also, think about taking it with you out and asking others to take pictures with it. We’ll post the best pics and run a contest. The top 10 entrants get entered to win 2 signed copies of The Returning or Space Battles, your pick. It’s easy!
So, get that creativity cap on and let’s have some fun!
Here are some fun pics already taken for the trailer. And a couple Photoshopped for fun as well.

- And this nice group of men and women stopped to see it in Kansas City.

So what are you waiting for? You could be next!